We all know Cyprus as the hot summer destination were the torching sun is hazardous when is way up in the sky. The activities and things to do during the high season are impossible to count, beach parties, open air events, tours and fully operational local businesses can make a heavy schedule if you want to experience them all.
With this image in mind we have seen quite a few visitors in our motorcycle rental workplace in Paphos, who get surprisingly cold when they travel during off season periods or even don’t know what to do since the majority of the aforementioned activities are for the high season therefore closed due weather and low demand.
For that reason I have decided to break the sequence of the Top Motorcycle Travels in Cyprus stories and write this special article about what is Cyprus like throughout the season in my perspective.
Enjoy the reading and if you have any comments to make or experiences to share I would be thrilled to read and reply.
Autumn – A summer extended!

Is it really autumn or summer extended? Expect the 2/3 of the above months to have a summerish feeling. September to begin with is a favourite month for many as temperatures are still hot with 11 hours sunshine a day (this year September first week had an average of 30 degrees Celsius!). What makes September different is that humidity levels drop down to normal so the constant sweaty filling goes away.
At September many village communities such as Statos Agios Fotios in Paphos organize their annual agricultural festivals which attract hundreds of locals and tourists. At such events you can have a first look at how traditional products are make and get free tastes of locally produced wines, halloumi cheese and more authentic Cypriot delicacies!
Another popular event in September is Limassol’s wine festival which takes place at the old Zoo place. The biggest of its kind.
The same can be said for October month until the middle of November. However, the air of holidays, summer activities, summer clubs and water activities are coming to an end. Visitors can enjoy the island at a more relaxed pace as almost every service is less packed.
Seasonal fruits are rich in early autumn, figs, pomegranates, matured grapes whilst the beginning of clementine and citrus season starts around the end of November. At the moment of writing the article in every street of Paphos you can find full of vitamin C matured mandarins, oranges and lemons! You can grab some on your way!
A big confusion is what to except in November. With very attractive packages from airlines and accommodation Cyprus is still visited by many.
During this time is best to check the weather forecast more often than before. Occasionally it will be sunny (most of the times actually) but at moments except thunderstorms and heavy rainfall with strong winds. This is the extreme but we had it thrice so far this month. If you get to see thunder storm in Cyprus you can be amazed at the force of nature. It literally pours lighting non-stop until the storm passes.
And also because the temperature difference starts have great difference (today the minimum will be 17 degrees whilst the maximum 24) you could feel warm in day time but as soon as the sun starts to go for sleep it gets chilly. Some long trousers and long jacket to have is a good idea. The sun also sets early now between 4-5 pm.
Winter – It can be cold, really it can!

You might have seen December photos with sunny beaches with swimmers. Cyprus was probably in some of them. In touristic businesses this time is called the low season. December finds Cyprus at a festive mood since we do celebrate Christmas like the rest for the world. In all the big cities you will be able to see decorations and occasionally Christmas events happening somewhere in the centre.
During this time for sure it starts to feel cold at least as soon as the sun goes down so it is time to start dressing heavier and light up the heaters or fire places.
Speaking about fireplaces, that’s when village visits are a M-U-S-T! Hundreds of villages can be founded on the maps each one having its own ambience of space.
Similarly to November month December first half is much warmer then the second with occasionally strong stormy days.
Things don’t get icy till the last days of December and until February. The usual pattern of sun in day time and very cold in night is dominating. However, the dry cold climate can make the cold penetrate your body!
At higher grounds waking up in the mornings you can find iced water and yes the snowfall can take place. The most popular destination during that time is Troodos mountains (see our Blog regarding travelling to Troodos). Heated places wait visitors, local delicacies and a snowy mountain scenery has nothing to be jealous from a European winter destination! Beware though if you will be driving during that time as the roads can be really slippery and car tires are not very used to these conditions. Also services will not be throwing salt in the streets as they do in European countries to fight the icy road.
What about February? Ahh the love month. Of course Valentine is busy also in Cyprus, sometimes too busy!
February sounds like a very quiet month with not many things to do in Cyprus, a summer place. Well there are actually things to do and you can wonder why not more people travel during this time.
First of all is great time to escape the freezing conditions who dominate Europe and get a flight to a warmer climate (not to be confusing it is cold here too with snowy mountains in Troodos).
The biggest events to look out for in February are the carnival parades in all the cities with the biggest one in size of participants and attendees happening in Limassol every year and specifically 50 days before Orthodox Easter. See below when is the Easter in Cyprus for 2019. Thousands of participants and visitors under any imaginable costume join the most mass party of the year in Cyprus.
Spring – Blossomed flowers

Let’s take a deep breath because spring in Cyprus means blossomed flowers and pinky almond fields anywhere you look at. Especially if you travel a bit outside the city. Whilst still cool in the night time, days start their normal warm.
Enjoy the strawberry season too were you can find a strawberry seller walking round the streets aiming to sell local produced. Don’t be shy and decline if you don’t want to buy.
Spring is a personal favourite too due Easter period occurring mid-April and early May. For example in 2019 it is on the 21st of April.
If you haven’t experienced Greek orthodox Easter it is recommended (whether you are strong follower or not at all) as it has a very spiritual and cultural impact. The epitome of Easter is Great-week and Great-Saturday (resurrection eve).
Unlike the autumn when the summer heat still has its marks, here winter does so. And as the local saying goes on March is too early to save the burn-wood and winter clothes. During spring occasionally early summer heatwave periods are frequent and less frequently rain days.
Summer – Beach, Travel, Love, Holidays and more

Like boiling water the temperature will gradually keep rising until its peak time around mid-August. All the tourist services and local business owners who deal with visitors have done their preparations from early spring and are now ready to welcome visitors. Shops will stay open longer and in general Paphos becomes a cosmopolitan city.
The contrast from empty streets in low season is now swapped to busy roads, summer umbrellas and scent of sun-cream protector emerges.
The dry season period of nearly 6 months starts too. Besides some rainy days which can occur in June (at least!) Cyprus fields and land can stay without a single drop of water coming from the sky for months. That’s quite hard for the farmers and trees in fact. Modern systems come for help in this case.
During the high season there are really so many activities plans to write about that would just make this blog too long. Leisure time at the beach, water sports, ATVsafari tours (our specialty) excursions to mountains, parties, summer clubs and more await for you in every City of Cyprus.
Summer is rich with its fruits that everybody love for their hydrating attributes. Maturing around middle of June, nothing beats a Cypriot watermelon and a sweet melon consumption under the heat. Cactus fruits, pears, plums, apricot and in August figs and grapes. It is really a cat-walk of seasonal fruits.
It is the time to be here once to see the vitality of a must summer destination.
Take it easy with the tanning as often I personally heard stories from customers who got burned to a hospitalization degree by attempting to sun-bath at peak heat time (around 11pm to 3pm) in July and August.
A recommendation is also to check some prices prior to ordering as in the high season these can be a little touchy in some locations.
Carry a bottle (or bottles) of water with you as you can get dehydrated unconsciously and let the sexy times roll!
I hope you enjoyed reading this article and remember if have anything to share please comment below. Also if there is a topic you would like me to cover just mention it and I will seriously consider it in next blogs.