Motorcycle Tour in Cyprus

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Earlier this month we introduced our brand new 3 day motorcycle tour.

At the mountains of Troodos. Pine forests

This tour is available during months November-February

As Cyprus winter is still much warmer than many other areas in Europe plus the fact that we also got more free time from other activities we can focus on this 3 day adventure.

In addition winter offers an amazing scenery plus it allows to go on full protection as it is too hot in the summer time.

Motorcycles are top brands

The motorcycles that are used in this tour are in an excellent condition and consist of a mixture of Honda Transalp 700, BMW, Honda CRF 250, Beta Alp350, Kawasaki.

These bikes suit every style and shape of driver.


Day 1: Ride to Troodos Mountains and Kykkos Monastery

On this day you get to driver up to the highest village of Cyprus Prodromos which is located at the peak of Troodos.

Day 2: Paphos Forest-Village Route

On the second day the ride is mostly through Paphos forest and cedar valley. The most important national forest of the island.

Day 3: Enduro Adventure to Akamas Peninsula-Off Road

A drive through Akamas Peninsula using dual sport bikes as the majority of this area is off road.


Contact us or visit the website to find out more details, schedules and prices.

Follow the Link Below to find out schedule and prices:

By Dimitris Iacovou



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